Monday, October 05, 2009

Walking the Cathedral

finally. my birthday present.
she told me that it was quite hard to organize.
it was worth the wait. really.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Girl's day, day of german beer and world book and copyright day

.... what a busy day. I actually wanted to celebrate by drinking my German beer and watching my girlfriend reading a book.. unfortunately the celebration is limited to writing something and drinking beer - which is ok - and remembering the gazillion girls running through our lab because my girlfriend is out partying. Awesome.

Awesome old church I found in Cologne right by the river."D'r Dom"

Still awesome building, right by the river. Probably not a church. Might be a capitalism one, though. hohough. Tired.

Riverside metalwork. Two in yellow.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's a phase - and soon I will give up on black and white too

New gadget. New Perspectives. More space but I definitely need more training.

It might be good to have something like a  feature here. Can't find the button.

Under Stars. Someone has to endure a lot of clicking lately.

Technique dominates length. Ok, that might be a bad phrase to illustrate the mighty wide angle capabilities of my new lens - con-text-with us laying in bed smiling and all - but I certainly don't have to stretch my arms that much any longer.

Living - Space.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shallow Start.

Since I don't want to scare people off by showing scarry people... I'll try to focus on dead things. Later. Ok, the other thing is dead things don't try to run out of the picture. It's so much easier.

Me slightly overexposed and probably dead over beautiful Lucca.

A lot of construction work in the new Rheinauhafen of Cologne

While the architects get crazy with designs I try to keep up and 'hdr' the heck out of my pictures. I know it's to much. But it's such a nice feature.

I like.

Lens up into the sky, me up into bed. Well left. And slightly behind me.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Walk in the park. (to be more specific: Parents' Garden)

And now Eastern has gone by too. Last posting - for a while.

We didn't have much more Eastern than this.

Wrong colors. Background obviously lacks even those.

Like flowers on a grave. I mean metaphoricly  - End of Eastern, you know.. Actually they are flowers in a nice little terracotta pot.

Walking around in Mülheim (connoisseurs know it as 'the bronx')

Source: Phlog ²°°9

Eastern. Having a walk. Yay!! (I had to)

Just aroud the corner of Wall ST.

Dodgy trashcan in a dodgy district.

... and even less colorful.

New Blog, new excitment.

Source: Phlog ²°°9

Long, lost hobby. I have a camera. I had almost forgotten. So let's see what this thing can do.